How bestselling author Liza Millan lost a million dollars and started over

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How bestselling author Liza Millan lost a million dollars and started over

May 12
03:42 2021
New book reveals the joys and struggles of 18 Asian women entrepreneurs who traveled many different paths to create their best lives

The good news for entrepreneur Liza Millan was that she’d found what she loved to do—plan events. She spent years gaining experience in Fortune 100 and 500 companies, the toughest event crowd out there. Then she took that love and that experience and launched her own event business, which quickly earned more than one million dollars in revenue. The bad news? She trusted a partner whom she ultimately split with and, without documents in order or agreements signed and sealed, he was able to wipe out all of her earnings and leave her at square one.

After suffering through a year-long depression, Millan began her journey of rebuilding. She engaged in personal development, brought a legal case against her former partner, reclaimed her power, and launched her new events business, Masterpiece. Not only is she back to planning events, she also provides virtual events as a service as a result of the “new normal” that society is experiencing. These events are not limited to webinar-like setups, but is a totally holistic experience that makes participants feel that they are in an actual event. Millan is also offering a 12-week course for other entrepreneurs looking to hold virtual summits to reach both new and existing audiences for their products or services.

Despite her enormous setback, Millan says the one thing she kept thinking was: “Always remember that you can do this. Don’t let anyone stop you from what it is you love to do.”

Read more about Millan’s journey in the inspiring new book Asian Women Who Boss Up, by Tam Luc, the author, educator, and podcaster dedicated to helping women “boss up.” This collection of interviews with highly successful Asian women reveals how they have overcome obstacles and stereotypes, pushed past self-imposed limits, and defied expectations imposed on them by others, often their parents. This book is a master class of entrepreneurial advice and personal development guidance for any woman in search of role models who show that, yes, you can live the life of your dreams.

Learn more about Liza Millan at

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Women with Vision International aims to inspire, uplift, and empower women everywhere to never give up their dream of living their life on purpose. We gather dynamic, entrepreneurial women who are making a difference and changing people’s lives to spark conversation around the topics that impact us all such as building their businesses, fundraising, and balancing their work and their families.

About Tam Luc

Tam Luc is an international bestselling author and the founder of Women with Vision International who shares the triumphs, stress, and struggles of balancing her life to help women grow their businesses. After 20 years as an entrepreneur, she is able to help women leverage their messages and create the lifestyle they want through her unique book messaging strategies.

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